WSIS Tokyo Conference 2003/ WSIS 東京会議2003

United Nations University at Aoyama, Tokyo

I'm surfing the web to write about the relationship between WSIS and Internet governance, and what Internet governance is.
It's impossible to put it all in chronological order, so I'll start by writing about how the PICs, including PIF, PINA and others, participated in WSIS in Tokyo in 2003. I'll start by writing about how PICs affected Internet governance and ICT4D.
Fortunately, I found the document from the website of the Australian Foundation for Development Cooperation, which co-hosted the PICs side event with me.
I will also write about how I became involved in ICT4PICs at some point. It was a lonely battle.

There are many familiar names.

PICs have been proactive in changing global ICT4D policies, rather than being passive. The WSIS Tokyo Conference was originally an ‘Asia Conference’ but the Japanese government and ITU, having confirmed the presence of PICs, changed it to ‘Asia-Pacific’. And as I will introduce next, the ‘Tokyo Declaration’ ended up repeatedly stating the importance of small island countries.


時系列にまとめるのは無理なので、最初にPIF, PINAを含む太平洋島嶼国が2003年に東京で開催されてWSISに参加したこと。インターネットガバナンスやICT4Dにどのように影響を与えたかをまず書きます。
幸い、PICsサイドイベントを私と共同で開催したオーストラリアのFoundartion for Development Cooperationのウェブにその時の文書を見つけました。




Pacific Islands and the WSIS: ICTs for Development: Resources, Needs and Opportunity”

United Nations University Headquarters Building Committee Rooms 2/3 Sunday, 12th January 2003

Side Event Final Report

A side event to discuss ICT sector opportunities for Pacific island countries, in the context of WSIS preparations and the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS, was held at the United Nations University on 12 January 2003. Pacific country representatives from Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, New Zealand, Niue, the Northern Marianas, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, and Vanuatu attended. A wide range of participants from Pacific regional organisations, bilateral and multilateral development partners, NGOs, and academia also attended. A number of participants also attended via a videoconferencing link to American Samoa, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, and Samoa.

Convenors and Sponsors

The event was convened by co-facilitators from the Foundation for Development Cooperation and the Center for Global Communications/Pacific Islands Digital Opportunities. The event was generously sponsored by the Asian Development Bank, the Global Knowledge Partnership, infoDev, PEACESAT, and the Sasakawa Pacific Islands Nations Fund.

Four thematic sessions were held on National ICT Applications for Development, Connecting Communities through ICTs, a Development Partner Dialogue, and WSIS and the Pacific. A keynote address was given via videoconference by the Lt. Governor of American Samoa on Common Themes in ICT Development for Pacific Islands.


Session 1: National ICT Applications for Development

The objective of Session 1 was to illustrate common Pacific challenges and successes with ICT applications, and draw out policy and planning lessons for incorporation in the Tokyo declaration and future WSIS action plans. The session was moderated by Sam Taufao of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Presentations were given by Professor Rajesh Chandra of the University of the South Pacific on USPNet Distance Learning, Abel Caine of Fiji on e-government, Stuart Davies of Cook Islands on Tele-health in the Pacific, Fuatai Purcell of Samoa and New Zealand on e-commerce for micro-enterprises, and Richard St Clair of Niue on activities of the Pacific Islands chapter of the Internet Society (PICISOC).

Key lessons and recommendations for consideration at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS included :

  • Awareness by all stakeholders (decision makers and general public) should be increased
  • IT literacy should be increased at all levels and in all sectors to create ‘e-citizens’ able to make the most ofnew opportunities
  •  It is important to raise awareness of the opportunities of e-commerce for small island developing states
  • There is a need for compelling vision of sector and project development
  • There is a strong need for research on applications and best practices on ICT for development that are sustainable in an island context
  • Strong partnerships are required between all stakeholders and development partners
  • ICT applications need to address the expressed needs of countries
  • ICTs can increase efficiency and effectiveness and reduce the costs of delivery of public services such ashealth and education
  • ICTs can enhance good governance practices through transparency and productivity
  • Pacific island countries require technical and policy assistance during project implementation, includingstrong international support to bridge the international and domestic digital divid

Session 2: Connecting Communities

The objective of Session 2 was to illustrate Pacific experiences with ICT for development at the grassroots level for connecting communities, and to draw out implementation lessons for incorporation in the Tokyo declaration and future WSIS action plans. The session was moderated by Nina Ratulele of Fiji and the Pacific Islands News Association.

Presentations were given by Jim Stevenson of the Federated States of Micronesia on the Department of Education YapSEED project, Robert Guild of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat on the Solomon Islands PeopleFirst Network for community development and peace building, Laila Younis o the Northern Marianas Variety and Palau Horizon newspapers, Norman Okamura of the University of Hawaii on PEACESAT and E- Rate Developments in American Samoa, Guam and CNMI, and Andrew Stockwood of Vanuatu on the Pacific Islands Association of NGOs

Key lessons and recommendations for consideration at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS included :

  • Countries and the Pacific region need to create sustainable ICT networks
  • It is important to encourage cultural diversity and linguistic diversity through, among other means, the useof local languages understood by all
  • There is an over-riding need for training and indigenous capacity building in both technical and contentareas
  • The role of traditional media will remain very important in information dissemination and that role should bestengthened
  • Community participation through free flow of information and freedom of expression have a very importantrole in modern society
  • Reliable, affordable and equitable access to ICTs are required for all people of the Pacific islands

Lunch Session

The objective of the lunch session was to address common topics pertinent to Pacific islands such as the creation of enabling policies, cooperation among organizations, and competition in small markets, and to demonstrate the potential of video over satellite by linking American Samoa; Hawaii; Marshall Islands, and Samoa. The session was moderated by Christina Higa of PEACESAT.

The Hon Togiola Tulafono, Lt. Governor of American Samoa, gave an address via videoconference that summarised the following key lessons and recommendations for consideration at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS:

  • Policy and regulations must be at the forefront of any ICT infrastructure
  • Funding resources are required for development of local infrastructure before regional initiatives
  • Sector planning and implementation should build and draw on indigenous capacity in preference toexternal experts with limited national knowledge
  • Goodwill and sincerity, partnership and collaboration
  • Liberal markets and competition have been proven in SIS, and will bring costs down, and there are goodexamples of liberalisation in small markets
  • There are also examples of monopoly carriers providing effective services
  • Voluntary participation at the local level can ensure ownership of projects
  • It is important to facilitate participation of all Pacific islands regardless of political affiliation, and to urge theWSIS process to include small island states in international fora


Session 3: Development Partner Dialogue

The objective of Session 3 was to provide an opportunity for development partners active in the Pacific region to present summaries of their existing and anticipated programmes for the region over the medium term, and discuss how Pacific island countries and regional organisations should incorporate these plans into their own planning for the WSIS process. The session was moderated by Rinalia Abdul Rahim of the Global Knowledge Partnership.

Presentations were given by Abdul Waheed Khan of UNESCO, Craig Keating of the Australian Agency for International Development Virtual Colombo Plan Unit, Pamela Kruzic of the Asian Development Bank, Shahid Akhtar of the UNDP Asia Pacific Development Information Program, Kenji Saga of the Pacific Islands Digital Opportunities initiative, and Les Allinson of the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission

Key lessons and recommendations for consideration at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS included :

  • There is a need to raise awareness of the mandates of bilateral and multilateral funding agencies
  • Pacific island countries with the help of development partners are creating enabling environments onpolicy strategy and regulatory framework
  • Development partners should work according to national needs and priorities of governments, andstakeholders need to work through national and regional procedures to influence these
  • There is a need for education on appropriate uses of ICTs and
  • Access to appropriate information on development partner programmes should be increased
  • Development partners will continue to work through a range of stakeholders depending on types of project
  • Development partners, governments, civil society, and the private sector could usefully increase theiralready considerable collaboration for example on the interconnection of networks.
  • There is a need for simplified processes for funding with less bureaucracy at both domestic andinternational levels to identify and support good projects not necessarily good proposal writing
  • Technical and policy assistance may be needed at national level to adapt and implement
  • Pacific island countries and regional organisations should continue to build their collaboration, so thatsubsets of states can cooperate to leverage resources
  • Poverty alleviation an over-arching goal for many devlopment partners
  • There is an existing context and planning framework in the Pacific island region, including the PALMprocess and culminating in the Pacific Islands ICT Policy and Plan, that has been prioritised and endorsed at Ministerial level, that could provide useful guidance to devlopment partners


Session 4: WSIS and the Pacific

The objective of Session 4 was for Pacific island countries to consolidate their national and regional lessons and experiences, propose contributions to the Tokyo Declaration and future WSIS action plans, and discuss strategies for future engagement in the WSIS process. The session was moderated by by Robert Guild of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.

Presentations were given by Fuatai Purcell of of Samoa and New Zealand on Themes for Small Island States, Abel Caine of Fiji on inputs to the WSIS Preparatory Process, Adam Peake of the Center for Global Communication on the procedures for the WSIS Preparatory Process, Tarja Virtanen of UNESCO, and Sam Taufao of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Key lessons and recommendations for consideration at the Asia Pacific Regional Conference for WSIS included :

  • Key SIS issues are well known and have been synthesised in the findings of this event
  • Two of the most important issues are development of human resources and continued development ofnational strategies that should be effective, responsive, and culturally appropriate
  • The overall WSIS process offered opportunities to small island developing states, which require specificand targeted approaches to address their needs, respond to opportunities, and increase the effectivenessof national and regional initiatives
  • The Tokyo Declaration could usefully be improved in areas of gender issues, youth, the role of traditionalmedia, and should emphasise the free flow of information and freedom of expression
  • Interregional cooperation between small island developing states should be explored and furtherdiscussed
  • The possibility of a Pacific regional consultation should be explored and further discussed
  • Regional coordination is requested to explore the possibility of holding a thematic meeting and increasePacific island country participation in roundtables at Prepcom2
  • A Pacific caucus meeting will take up further details on the Tokyo Declaration and regional statementslater in the week


The meeting requested that a report of the event’s topics and findings be forwarded for consideration by the Asia Pacific Regional Conference.

The co-facilitators closed the meeting by thanking all participants for their valuable contributions, and expressed appreciation to the sponsors for making the event possible.


Submitted by:
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Tokyo, Japan
13 January 2003




国連大学本部ビル 委員会室2/3 2003年1月12日(日)










  • すべての利害関係者(意思決定者および一般市民)の意識を高めるべきである。
  • あらゆるレベル、あらゆる部門でITリテラシーを高め、新たな機会を最大限に活用できる「電子市民」を育成すべきである。
  • 島嶼開発途上国にとっての電子商取引の機会に対する意識を高めることが重要である。
  • セクターおよびプロジェクト開発に関する説得力のあるビジョンが必要である
  • 島嶼国において持続可能な開発のためのICTの応用およびベストプラクティスに関する研究が強く求められている
  • すべての利害関係者および開発パートナー間の強力なパートナーシップが必要である
  • ICTの応用は、各国が表明したニーズに対応する必要がある
  • ICTは、保健や教育などの公共サービスの提供における効率性および有効性を高め、コストを削減することができる
  • ICTは、透明性および生産性を通じて、優れたガバナンスの実践を強化することができる
  • 太平洋島嶼国は、プロジェクト実施中に技術的および政策的な支援を必要としており、国際的な支援を強化して、国際的なデジタル・ディバイドと国内のデジタル・ディバイドを埋める必要がある



ミクロネシア連邦のジム・スティーブンソン氏からは、教育省のヤップSEEDプロジェクトについて、太平洋諸島フォーラム事務局のロバート・ギルド氏からは、地域開発と平和構築のためのソロモン諸島PeopleFirstネットワークについて、 北マリアナ諸島の新聞「Variety」とパラオの新聞「Horizon」の編集者、ハワイ大学のノーマン・オカムラ氏による米領サモア、グアム、北マリアナ諸島におけるPEACESATとE-Rateの発展に関する発表、バヌアツのNGO太平洋諸島協会のアンドリュー・ストックウッド氏による発表などが行われました。


  • 各国および太平洋地域は持続可能なICTネットワークを構築する必要がある
  • その手段の一つとして、誰もが理解できる現地語の使用を通じて、文化の多様性および言語の多様性を奨励することが重要である
  • 技術およびコンテンツの両分野において、トレーニングおよび現地の能力開発が非常に必要とされている
  • 情報発信において、従来型のメディアの役割は今後も非常に重要であり、その役割は強化されるべきである
  • 情報の自由な流通および表現の自由を通じたコミュニティの参加は、現代社会において非常に重要な役割を果たしている
  • 太平洋諸島の人々すべてが、信頼性が高く、手頃な価格で、公平な情報通信技術(ICT)へのアクセスを確保することが必要である




  • 政策と規制は、あらゆるICTインフラの最優先事項でなければならない
  • 地域的な取り組みに先立ち、地域インフラの開発には資金源が必要である
  • セクターの計画と実施は、限られた国内知識を持つ外部の専門家よりも、自国の能力を構築し、活用すべきである
  • 善意と誠意、パートナーシップと協力
  • 自由市場と競争はSISで実証済みであり、コスト削減につながる。小規模市場における自由化の好例もある
  • 独占事業者が効果的なサービスを提供している例もある
  • 地域レベルでの自発的な参加は、プロジェクトの所有権を確保できる
  • 政治的立場に関わらず、太平洋諸島すべてが参加できるよう促すことが重要であり、WSISプロセスに小島嶼国を国際フォーラムに含めるよう促すことが重要である





  • 二国間および多国間資金提供機関の権限に対する認識を高める必要がある
  • 太平洋島嶼国は、開発パートナーの支援を受けながら、政策戦略および規制枠組みに関する環境整備を行っている
  • 開発パートナーは、各国政府のニーズや優先事項に従って活動すべきであり、利害関係者は、各国および地域の手続きを通じて、これらの活動に影響を与える必要がある
  • 情報通信技術(ICT)の適切な利用に関する教育が必要であり、
  • 開発パートナーのプログラムに関する適切な情報へのアクセスを拡大すべきである
  • 開発パートナーは、プロジェクトの種類に応じて、さまざまな利害関係者と協力していく




  • 貧困緩和は、多くの開発パートナーにとっての包括的な目標である
  • 太平洋島嶼地域には、PALMプロセスや、閣僚レベルで優先事項として承認された「太平洋諸島ICT政策および計画」に集約されるような、既存の背景や計画の枠組みがある。これは、開発パートナーにとって有益な指針となり得るものである





  • SISの主要な問題は周知の事実であり、今回の会議の結論にまとめられている
  • 最も重要な問題の2つは、人材開発と、効果的で、対応力があり、文化的に適切な国家戦略の継続的な開発である
  • WSISのプロセス全体は、小島嶼開発途上国に機会を提供した。小島嶼開発途上国は、自国のニーズに対応し、機会に対応し、国家および地域イニシアティブの効果を高めるために、特定の的を絞ったアプローチを必要としている
  • 東京宣言は、ジェンダー問題、若者、伝統的メディアの役割といった分野で改善の余地があり、情報の自由な流れと表現の自由を強調すべきである
  • 島嶼開発途上国間の地域間協力について検討し、さらに議論すべきである
  • 太平洋地域協議の可能性について検討し、さらに議論すべきである
  • テーマ別会議の開催可能性を検討し、準備委員会2における太平洋島嶼国の円卓会議への参加を増やすため、地域調整を行うことが要請される
  • 太平洋諸島会議では、東京宣言および地域声明に関するさらなる詳細を今週後半に検討する予定である




太平洋諸島フォーラム事務局 東京、日本